Esculap Medical Centre

13 jan

Esculap Medical Centre

Esculap Medical Centre is a modern GP surgery in the Ballincollig county Cork and providing the full range of general practice care to public and private patients. Our medical services are provided by 2 GPs and a practice nurse.


Test results and prescriptions

dr Bogumila Rojek

GP consultation
dr Bogumila Rojek

Dr Bogumila Rojek - Family Doctor - Family Practice, Internal Medicine or General Practice with a special interest in paediatric medicine.

dr Andrzej Dembicki

GP consultation
dr Andrzej Dembicki

Dr Andrzej Dembicki - Internal Medicine Specialist, Family doctor.


Fit to work certificates, also known as fitness to work certificates, are documents issued by medical professionals that certify a person’s physical and mental ability to perform a specific job or task. To obtain a fit to work certificate, the employee must first visit a medical professional and provide information about the job, the job requirements and the working conditions. The medical professional will then assess the employee’s physical and mental abilities and limitations related to the job and issue a certificate. The certificate may state that the employee is either fit for the job, unfit for the job, or fit with work modifications. The employer is responsible for accommodating any work modifications necessary to ensure a safe work environment. After the certificate is issued, the employee must submit the document to their employer. This is a process that must be repeated if the job requirements or the employee’s health condition changes.

A consultation with a qualified medical professional is often required for pre-employment purposes. The consultation focuses on assessing the applicant's physical abilities and health status, as well as any potential accommodation needs. During the consultation, the medical professional will review the applicant's medical history, physical abilities, and any other relevant information. After the consultation is completed, the medical professional will provide a recommendation on whether the applicant is qualified to perform the duties of the job. The recommendation may include accommodations if needed. The applicant's medical history and the medical professional's recommendation are confidential and should not be shared with anyone other than the employer.

In order to obtain a driver’s license, a person must first consult with their doctor to determine if they are medically fit to drive. During the consultation, the doctor will assess the person’s physical and mental health, as well as any medications they are taking. The doctor may also request additional medical evaluations with other specialists or a medically-based driving evaluation conducted by an occupational therapist. The doctor will then provide a written statement to the individual to submit to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The statement will either confirm the person is medically fit to drive, or provide recommendations for driving restrictions or other restrictions. If the DMV approves the statement, the individual will then be able to obtain a driver’s license. Furthermore, individuals over the age of 70 may need to provide additional documentation to the DMV in order to renew their driver’s license.

Blood tests are medical procedures used to assess different parts of a person’s health. During the procedure, a doctor or nurse will draw a sample of blood from a patient’s vein, usually from the arm. The sample is then sent to a lab for analysis. Blood tests can be used to diagnose and monitor numerous conditions, including infections, allergies, and diabetes. Common blood tests include complete blood count (CBC), basic metabolic count, complete metabolic panel, lipid panel, thyroid test, vitamin D blood test, blood glucose test, TIBC test (iron), estradiol blood test, testosterone blood test, and hemoglobin blood test. Results of blood tests are usually available within a few days, and can provide valuable information about a patient’s health.
Blood tests are taken in the morning as they are collect by our courier at lunchtime and taken to the laboratory CUH or Medlab for private patients. Fasting bloods means twelve hours fast prior to blood test - you can drink water. Children well watered.

Urine and stool examinations are medical procedures used to diagnose and monitor different health conditions. During the procedure, a sample of urine or stool is collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis. Urine tests can be used to check for infections, detect the presence of drugs, or to assess kidney and urinary tract health. Stool tests can be used to detect the presence of parasites, bacteria, or other organisms, or to check for signs of inflammation or bleeding in the digestive tract. Both urine and stool tests are quick, painless, and provide valuable information about a patient’s health.

The clinic provides wound care to patients with an acute or chronic wound, or patients who were a hospital inpatient requiring follow up care. Patients may be assessed to require a referral to other medical specialties for further medical treatment or diagnosis and this will be organised in a timely manner.

Removal of sutures (stitches) is a common nursing skill that you will perform for patients who have received sutures due to an injury or surgery. The wound is cleaned with an antiseptic to remove encrusted blood and loosened scar tissue. Sterile forceps (tongs or pincers) are used to pick up the knot of each suture, and then surgical scissors or a small knife blade is used to cut the suture. Forceps are used to remove the loosened suture and pull the thread from the skin. These relatively painless steps are continued until the sutures have all been removed. You may feel a tug or slight pull as a stitch is removed. The wound is cleansed again and adhesive strips are often placed over the wound to allow the wound to continue strengthening. Removal of sutures must be ordered by the primary health care provider (physician or nurse practitioner).

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a medical procedure used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. During the procedure, small electrodes are placed on the skin of the chest, arms, and legs. These electrodes record the electrical signals that make the heart beat, which are then displayed as waves on a monitor or printed on paper. An ECG is used to detect irregular heart rhythms, heart attacks, and other heart conditions. The procedure is quick and painless, and provides valuable information about heart health. Results of an ECG are typically available within a few minutes, and can be used to guide further medical treatment. You need to contact with reception to book the date for ECG.

Ear syringing is a medical procedure used to remove excess earwax or foreign objects from the ear. During the procedure, warm water is gently squirted into the ear using a bulb syringe or an electric pump. The pressure of the water helps to break up the earwax and flush it out of the ear. Ear syringing is a safe and effective method of earwax removal, and is usually quick and painless.

A cervical smear test, also known as a Pap smear test, is a medical procedure used to screen for cervical cancer. During the procedure, a doctor will use a small brush or spatula to collect a sample of cells from the cervix, which is then examined under a microscope. The sample can be used to detect any abnormal cells on the cervix, as well as to check for the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV). If abnormal cells are found, further testing and procedures may be necessary. The cervical smear test is usually performed every three to five years, depending on the individual’s risk factors and health history. The procedure is quick and relatively painless, and is an important part of preventive care for women.
CervicalCheck is the national cervical screening programme. Population-based screening is where we offer a screening test to people in a target group. In cervical screening, the target group is people with a cervix who have been sexually active and are aged 25 to 65 years old.

For children from birth to age of 2 (as per national immunization programme)

Immunization for children from birth to the age of 2 is part of the national immunization program. This program recommends that children receive vaccines to help protect them from serious infections and diseases. Vaccines are administered at specific times during the first two years of life, and may include vaccines for hepatitis B, rotavirus, diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenzae type b, pneumococcal conjugate, inactivated poliovirus, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, hepatitis A, and human papillomavirus. Infants may also receive additional vaccines or doses of existing vaccines depending on their health and risk factors. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect children from serious illnesses, and are an important part of preventive care.

Immunisation for hepatitis, flu, tetanus, rabies (patient brings own vaccine)

Immunization for hepatitis, flu, tetanus, and rabies may be administered to patients who bring their own vaccine. All vaccinations must be done according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the patient should be monitored for any adverse reactions. For hepatitis, the patient will need to receive a series of two or more shots, depending on the vaccine used. For the flu, the patient will receive a single shot. For tetanus, the patient will need to have three doses of the vaccine, with a booster every 10 years. For rabies, the patient will need to have three doses of the vaccine, with a booster every 5-7 years. Vaccinations are an important part of preventive care and can help to protect against serious illnesses.

Flu vaccine for patient qualified to risk group as per HSE recommendations

The flu vaccine is recommended for those in high risk groups as per the Health Service Executive (HSE) recommendations. The flu vaccine is a safe and effective way to reduce the risk of catching the flu and its complications. The vaccine helps the body to build immunity to the flu virus, so that it can fight it off if it comes into contact with it. The vaccine is administered via an injection and is available to those in at-risk groups, including people over 65 years of age, pregnant women, healthcare workers and people with long-term health conditions. It is important to get the flu vaccine every year to maintain immunity and reduce the risk of catching the flu.

You are entitled to the service free of charge, even if you do not hold a medical card. Patients would normally attend their GP before the 12th week of pregnancy. The GP provides a further 6 examinations during the pregnancy, which are alternated with visits to the maternity unit/hospital. Maternity services covered by health plans include: Outpatient services, such as prenatal and postnatal doctor visits, gestational diabetes screenings, lab studies, medications, etc. Inpatient services, such as hospitalization, physician fees, etc and newborn baby care.

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